A Tax Return Advance Is Unlike Any Other Type of Loan
When you borrow money the usual way, you get a check from the bank or other financial institution, and you make payments over time until it’s repaid, and that’s the end of the transaction – you’re even. The amazing thing about a tax return advance is that after you pay back the loan…you get your money back again! The lender is just an intermediary, giving you access to the funds early so you can use them when you’re most in need – but ultimately you’re borrowing against your own funds, the refund you’re expecting back when your income tax return has been processed and the state or federal government issues your refund. Depending on when you apply and when you’re expecting your refund to arrive, there may be a significant lag between repaying the funds and getting them back again, but you know that in the end most of your loan payments will be reimbursed to you again and you’ll come out ahead!
Welcome To the New, Faster Easier Tax Return Advance!
Tax preparation companies were the first to provide income tax refund anticipation loans. The process was complex, drawn out, and required the borrower to pay for preparation of their tax return and electronic filing in addition to the loan fees. This suited some people’s needs very well, but for others it was inconvenient and an imposition – but if they wanted to get their refund more quickly than the IRS would be issuing it, there was no other choice. First locate a tax prep office involved in a loan program, and identify their business hours and how well those mesh with your availability. Find a time that works for you, travel there and wait in line for a preparer to be free. Hope you have all the documents you’ll need, not only for your return but for the loan requirements. Spend about an hour in a question-and-answer session in order to complete your return, and then the preparer would explain your options for their their version of the tax return advance. There were many copies of documents to sign, and a few days more to wait before you received a check equivalent to your refund with the fees and loan interest already taken out.
Tax Return Advances Made Easy!
Tax return advance loans are infinitely faster and simpler now! You don’t need to go anywhere to apply – you can do it right from home, or anywhere else you have a secure internet connection and something to connect with. You can apply from your favorite living room cozy chair, late at night in your pajamas – or first thing in the morning while you drink your first cup of coffee. You don’t even need a computer – a tablet or even your phone will do! There are no documents to print, fax, or upload when you apply for tax refund advances – just a brief online application that asks some basic questions about your employment and income. Lenders are on hand 24/7 to process and evaluate your request, and as long as you meet the minimum qualifications your chances of approval are excellent! Approvals are received in just ninety seconds – and cash will be waiting in your bank account the following business day. Speed, ease, and convenience – what more could anyone ask for? Apply today!